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  • Writer's pictureAstrid

Tahini Mushroom Quinoa Bowl

OBSESSED with this super quick Tahini Mushroom Quinoa bowl! I used mixed red, white and black quinoa but feel free to use plain- just use 1:1 quinoa to water instead 🤗Been eating this for lunch almost every day, tastes amazing hot or cold which makes it great for taking to uni/work! Serves 2 ❤️

-1 cup dry red and white quinoa lentils

-2 cups water, to cook the quinoa

-1 clove of garlic, minced

-1/2 white onion, diced

-1 tbsp oil

-250g sliced mushrooms

-1 can peas

-1 tbsp tahini

-1 tbsp light soy sauce

-1/2 tsp salt

-Squeeze of lemon(if you have one lying around, I don’t usually)


1)Cook the quinoa in the water with the lid on

2)Sautée the onion and garlic in the oil, when the onion turns translucent add the mushrooms and cook for about 3-5 mins till brown.

3)Add peas at the last moment, let it cook for 1 minute then take off the heat. Mix the tahini, salt and soy in a cup.

4)Add the sautéed veggies to the cooked quinoa, then stir in the tahini mix. Enjoy!

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